Writing Fantasy Prompts
Today, April 30, I found a really good website for fantasy writing prompts, listed down below. There’s a generator for prompts that’s really easy to use. I started writing a few new things, and I would say this prompt list is really helpful. There are also prompt books that you can buy—I have one called 500 Fantasy Prompts. They’re really fun to write about and are great if you’re wanting to write a short story or maybe even a book. Something that I would advise, since I’ve gone through it myself, is not to worry if you’re “stealing” the prompt. If it’s on the internet and it says it’s available for use as a writing prompt, then by all means, use it. That’s why they’re there.
Also, a copy of my book arrived in England not too long ago! The link to the TikTok video about it is the one listed second. If you press on it then the first video it’ll show up!